Friday, April 5, 2019

Last full day in Spain

After making and eating the PAella last night we went straight home, I gave everyone permission to sleep in late during our last full day since there weren’t any classes.  We all met up at the beach between 10:30am and noon.  We boys mostly played basketball, whizzed around on scooters, and stuck their feet in the freezing cold water.  At 12:30 we split into two groups; one group going to the Picasso Museum and the second group going to Vialia mall for lunch and a movie.  The plan was that the Picasso group would meet up with the mall group to also watch the movie.  The Picasso group went ahead while the Mall group piled on the #3 bus a little while later.  After about 15-20 minutes we were there.  

We decided to see the Dumbo movie, child friendly (and yes the BEST Boys are still children) and easy to follow.  Especially with the boys being so far out of their comfort zone a horror movie would have them all sleeping with the lights on.  

The movie theatre wasn’t open yet so after I purchased our tickets we spent about 40 minutes exploring and eating lunch.  Almost of the boys went to H&M and McDonalds

Ticket prices 

What do you notice is same/ different at McDonald’s

After our lunch the movies theatre was open at 13:00 and we were the first ones there. - Thank you gentlemen for always including Eric and making him a part of the group.  You young men are kind hearted and fun and we all appreciate that about you. 

Once the movie started I took a few short clips to give you an idea of what it was like.

Oh yea, as always we watched a movie in all Spanish, no subtitles.  

Endgame trailer en Español


As soon as the movie was over Sofia was outside waiting for us to escort us to another local HS to play basketball against their school team

We all took the bus to La Academia Santa Teresa 

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Paella cooking class

After the cold swim the boys went home for lunch and siesta.  We met up at the basketball courts between 3-4:30.  Our much awaited cooking class started at 6pm with Manuel as our instructor.  

Manuel started with having a group of boys chopping garlic, another group dicing bell peppers, and another group cleaning chicken.

Next up was heating up the HUGE paella skillet

Once you add the oil and it heat up you add the chicken

Next, add the peppers

Then the garlic 

Let it all simmer

Then add seasoning, tomato paste, and lots and lots of agua!

Finally you add the rice. 

Let it simmer while you prepare the side dishes.

Our crew patiently waiting for their dinner

Ya gotta have drinks 

Dinner is served and it’s DELICIOUS!! 

Cold swim

After class we discussed our schedule for tomorrow as well as our Friday morning journey back to the US.  We will have to meet at 4:30am on Friday for our first flight back to Barcelona Spain.  Yikes!!!

After handle “business” we went for a dip in the beach.  The water was so cold I couldn’t even keep my feet in it... how these crazy boys got all the way in is beyond me.  

They didn't stay in long but they had a blast then continued to the basketball court.  Right now everyone is home having lunch and enjoying siesta time (nap time) we will meet up for basketball again very ski. Then we have a cooking class at 6pm we will be making Paella, Spain’s most popular dish.... it’s soooo delicious!!! 

Last day of class

Today was the last day of class and graduation day.

They played some more of the game from yesterday and they used me as a “phone a friend” option.

After class it was time to get their certificates.  I’mIMMENSELY  PROUD of the group teens and adults.  Being this far out of your comfort zone for so long is not easy at all.  

Level 2

It the video I’m thanking the teacher and telling hmm that he has the patience of a saint to teach a group of very energetic young men.  He says Spanish boys their age are way worse and that the BEST boys were a pleasure.  

Level 1

As a thank you to their teachers I printed a group picture of them and presented it to them with an Atlanta refrigerator magnet.  Teaching (especially across cultures) takes an enormous amount of patience.    Both teachers seemed very happy, I hope they could feel how much their appreciated their help 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

La Alcazaba

We all piled into the #3 bus to the City Centre where la Alcazaba is located 

La Alcazaba means the fortress.  It was used hundred of years ago to protect the city from attack. 

After the tour we walked around the old town buying post cards to send back home.